Democratic Senators Kyrsten Sinema And Joe Manchin Pound The Last Nails Into The Coffin Of Multicultural Democracy
When these two Senators fail to back voter rights legislation on the pretense that the Senate Filibuster has some mystical merit, it is the end of the line for democracy in America. Corporate America has already signaled that it has no interest in a real democracy by having its GOP shills sitting on their hands when it comes to defending at least some pretense of Democracy, and so the end has finally come to the pursuit of our national ideal of a government “by and for the people.”
Average Americans will soon find themselves crushed between the rich and powerful at the top and the crude and violent moving up into positions of power from the bottom — naturally cheered on by Fox News and the rest of opportunistic right wing media. Now of course the powers at the top are betting that they can keep the violence in check as they themselves wallow in self serving predatory corruption from on high, but history would overwhelming beg to differ on that score.
And thus average Americans are about to experience the reign of intimidation and terror that Black people suffered during the Jim Crow era between the end of reconstruction and the civil rights legislation of the mid 1960s.
This destruction of American democracy won’t only destabilized the United States, but, moreover, will set off a worldwide process of destabilization in a period of history when dozens of nations retain thousands of nuclear tipped missiles on hair trigger alert. One technical glitch, flare of anger, political miscalculation or terrorist hack of some defense system and global warming becomes a mote point as the earth firsts fries before setting into a finish off nuclear winter.
Thanks a lot Sinema and Manchin. At least you won’t have to worry about what history says of your idiocy since not long after your American stab in the back history will very likely have ended.