Donald Trump Appears As A Bumbling Character Straight Out Of The Great War (WWI) And More
There were Trumpian leadership characters galore, both military and civilian, whose insistent stupidity caused millions upon millions of needless deaths upon the battlefields and among civilians population in ways unlike any time before or since the incredible war fiasco that is know in Europe as The Great War. Sure much of what military strategy from hindsight looks ridiculous today was because martial technology had so radically changed in the forty years prior to The Great War, but even taking that into consideration there were an inordinate number of leaders whose pigheadedness was totally inexplicable in a purely Trumpian like fashion.
The European leadership of the war years 1914–18 came from among the aristocracy of decaying empires — Britain, France, Russia, Austria-Hungry, Serbia and the sickly Ottoman Empire. They were kings and princelings ill trained and poorly informed as to the rapidly changing technologies and social dynamics in which they were immersed.
Because, however, of their high social positions they often reeked of hubris in which they believed that they possessed a sort of unquestionable divine wisdom. So like a Donald Trump no mountain of facts and blatant examples of reality to the contrary could dissuade them from their misguided thinking or courses of action.
And when time after time they were proven wrong they, also, like Trump would dredge up scapegoats that in turn morphed into more attacks upon humanity. It is almost as if the Donald has miss all that the world has learned from 1914 up to the time of him moving into the white House. Indeed, it’s as if having learned nothing and refusing to learn anything he exactly resembles the worst bumblers and hubris of that bygone era.
And, yes, while much of Trump most dangerous thinking springs naturally from his incredibly warped personality, still, every day it becomes harder and harder to discount the reality that Trump has not only become beholden to Putin consciously, but even more scarily that he’s been mind altered so as to be Putin’s Manchurian Candidate.