Had some super being (God) wanted to announce its intentions and expectations to humankind, it is hardly likely that it would have been made manifest via the haphazard way in which Christianity and the world’s other major religions have evolved over thousands of years.
No, indeed, religions have not the fingerprints of some super God over all over them, but rather the wishful thinking of humankind itself as a result of its desperate quest for meaning, hope and immortality.
The brutal truth is that humankind will come into existence and then be taken out of existence in some cataclysmic extinction process like that which killed off those higher life forms as with the dinosaurs before it—a massive volcano or astroid strike of earth or climate change, Only now we can add the manmade process of nuclear annihilation as the more likely end of humanity.
As far as the universe is concerned, we humans are no more special than a blade of grass. It is our hopes and dreams that create God and its intensions.