Here’s an economic lesson, Arthur. In order to fight one of the silliest and most expensive wars in American history. The Republicans borrowed billions and good old Dick Cheney famously said, deficits don’t matter.
This laid the foundation for one of the biggest financial collapses in history. And then when America and the world were on the brink of a total meltdown and Obama needed 400 billion to keep the economy from going into free fall, the Republicans said, oh no we can’t do that.
Well, fortunately he did, and the economy recovered for which destruction Donald, who bankrupts everything he touches, currently wants to take credit for the good times.
So with things finally stabilized the Republicans, this time, are going to borrow a trillion dollars to pay for the huge tax gift to their fat cat friends, for which it is now projected that the deficit well go though the roof, so that there will be no money for social security, medicare or food stamps.
Trump desperately wants to follow the Russian system, where like Putin, he can be the rich leader of a gang among a nation of desperately poor people.
Indeed, during the campaign Trump railed against a 19 trillion deficit. At the rate the GOP and Trumpters are borrowing money for give aways, 19 trillion will soon be seen as chump change. It is pure madness.