I love you Dave and I’m on your side, man, but sometime you confuse the way you wish life to be as to what it really amounts to. I hate to break it to you but humankind is never on some inevitable march toward goodness. That’s simply not how the universe is designed.
Creation and goodness will always at some point in time be offset by destruction and what we humans would call evil. If there is seemly a long run of creation there will inevitably be an equally long run of destruction. This has always been the pattern not only of man’s earthly history but with the entire universe as well.
Nature doesn’t have feelings just a mechanical sense of balance — the positive offset by the negative. The next big negative that humankind will experience of course is nuclear holocaust.
Alas, creeps like Trump are all a natural part of the creation destruction cycle. We can’t change the rules of the game, but, still, for peace of mind its better to champion the forces of creation and goodness any way we can, and you do. Thanks, Dave.