In a weird sort of way this article looks to be written by a child that is shocked to discover that there is no Santa Clause. Of course the technical and emotional truths of history are routinely reduced to a few simplified myths that are completely out of wack with contemporary experience.
There are literally thousands of excellent books that look at the politics, social, and military events of the American Civil War from every conceivable angle, but 99.9% of Americans have no interest or time to take an in-depth view of that bloody period of American history, or any other aspect of history for that matter. So, yes, for most average Joe and Jill myths will suffice.
Now if one wants a good single volume look at the men and driving forces of the American Civil War, I would humbly suggest my book, Apprentice Killers: The War of Lincoln and Davis, that unfolds the war through the eyes of six of its major participants — presidents Lincoln and Davis and Generals J. B. McClellan, U. S. Grant, R. E. Lee and J. E. Johnston.