Putting The Daemons Back In Their Cages
American Presidents since about the time of the FDR administration have tried to keep the nation’s daemons of hate, bigotry and rambling conspiracy theory in check. But then starting with Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich’s Contract with America, Republicans have been allowing at times these dark creatures of America free reign as political weapons on behalf of certain vested interests for profit and power. And of course along came the master of darkness, Donald J Trump, stumbling into the White House, encouraging the monsters to roam uninhibited and do their worst on his behalf.
It is thus ironic that it is the country’s Blacks, mainly in the great metropolitan regions of our nation, in 2020, that are the ones to put the Daemons of American awfulness back in their cages by electing a new president, Joe Biden, a man dedicated to fostering the nation’s better angels of unity, goodness and decency, thereby saving White America and its experiment in democracy from its own hateful excess.
President Joe will have his hands full because nasty Don is never going to stop barking from the sidelines, encouraged by Republicans when it suits their nefarious purposes. But how long can any nation survive such festering poison is problematic in the extreme.
At least old Joe and the nation’s minorities seem intent on giving it a hard go.
Get back in your cages you horrible daemons!