Street Protesters Play Right Into Trump’s Grubby Little Hands

James M. Ridgway, Jr.
2 min readNov 12, 2016


Protesting is a fine American right for the little guy to demonstrate his opposition on important issues. Unfortunate, Trump, the master manipulator, will seize upon such demonstrations for his own nefarious purposes.

I hate to keep retuning to the German experience of the first half of the twentieth century but in certain ways there are no better parallel examples. Following WWI Germany was a political and social mess. There were constant protests and street battles fought between extremists left and right.

Eventually average citizens grew so weary of the chaos that they longed for someone, anyone, who would return order to the country’s social fabric, and they weren’t all that particular about the methods applied to gain that end.

You can safely bet that if the left ends up battling Klansmen and Skinhead types, Trump will not hesitate to jump on the situation to see to that he is given extraordinary powers on the pretext that “law and order” must prevail. And so as with Germany way back when, millions of Americans won’t quibble with the methods he might employ, as long as their lives are retuned to a sense of normalcy.

We have all seen this movie before. Trump will find enemies to blame. He will go after the press and the intellectual class, pitting these groups against what he will call loyal Americans, and many good men will do nothing but allow evil to triumph.

In fact for flimsy aims many customarily very good men and women have already allowed evil to prevail by voting for “change” or pointless third party candidates, allowing the Donald entry to awesome power, power that this angry man devoid of conscience will not hesitate to permit (both covertly and overtly) horrifying things to occur in order to enhance his own personal power. And of course he will accuse men of noble deeds of doing terrible things of which only he and his ilk are guilty.

Alas, the playbook of human monsters never changes as the world continues to turn. So protesters of Trump’s election be wary of the fact that your actions may be just what the Trumpster longs to exploit.



James M. Ridgway, Jr.
James M. Ridgway, Jr.

Written by James M. Ridgway, Jr.

Jim Ridgway, Jr. military writer — author of the American Civil War classic, “Apprentice Killers: The War of Lincoln and Davis.” Christmas gift, yes!

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