The Tribal impulse flows from the base ego whose primary mandate is to survive at all costs and to seek advantage at every opportunity to that end. So, yes, conservatives have a point that nature favors them. But nature is crude and often violent, and that is why humankind came up with laws and rules to try and round off some of its rough edges.
Just in the tribal impulse itself there is good and bad. People of like kind band together for the common good that supports the individual advantage, and of course the negative offset is that the tribal impulse hates the “other,” promoting such things as racism.
Now basically what liberals try and do is to rise above nature’s more destructive human conditioning, which is often called appealing to our better angels. And actually it was the determination by a few of our founding fathers to rise above nature’s negative aspects that made the American brand of liberal democracy special, even though slavery was in glaring opposition to that idealism.
So, yes, America has always, at some level by liberal types, tried to rise above the crudities of nature, and of course often failing, but what’s wrong with trying to rise above hate and destruction that is so often nature’s way?
Indeed, liberalism is an up stream swim while conservatives simply drift along with the natural current — the Trumpian self-interest way.