The United States government was never designed for a state this powerful to be directed by a single person in the executive branch. Yes, I understand all the jokes about committees, but the human condition has now been confirmed to be way too fragile to leave all that much power in the hands of a single nut job.
I have no idea what ideal combination of power should direct the day to day operations of the executive branch, I would, however, think that it should be no more than a three to five member board. Perhaps one or more members chosen by the, House, the Senate and the Supreme court for a term of not more than six years staggered.
I don’t care about all the unforeseen ramifications of taking a direct vote away from the public. No matter how bad government officials can be at times, they still are a heck of a lot better informed about the issues, domestic and foreign, than the general public. Moreover, one of the big issues that a congressperson or Senator would likely run on is whom they would appoint to the executive leadership council. So in that sense the nation’s citizens would still have a say in the matter.
Call me crazy, but at least I’m not as dangerously crazy as the Donald. What say you, Mike?