The Wall Street octopus
American democracy is gridlocked, not because the electorate is divided as is so often reported, but rather because corporate American has gained a stranglehold on our national government through their Republican political shills.
That should be framed and seen by the people and the media as the major issue of our time. Impeachment of a traitorous fool of a president simply acts as a deflection of this national crisis.
Yes, in many respects Wall Street would rather Trump not be president, but as he is the lesser of two evils compared to having Democrats regain power with the type of candidates that would roll back corporate America’s ever growing predatory practices has caused the nation’s economic powers to direct their political stooges to defend the current Jackass president at all costs.
And so we, now, see Republicans turning themselves into pretzels attempting to defend the indefensible, or if being unable to bring themselves to such a unpleasant duty, they abandon their government job altogether. Indeed, Republicans are leaving the national government in droves to join a chorus of former Republicans discussed by what their backers had demand of them.
Not so incidentally, the political candidate, among the Democrats vying for the presidency who most points out that it is Wall Street power that forms the foundation of government gridlock, so detrimental to average Americans, is Tom Steyer.