Trump And The GOP Proudly Represent That Which Is Perhaps Humanity’s Greatest Flaw — Short Term Greed
President Donald Trump may not be perfectly aligned will all of the GOP’s conventional ideology, but he is very much aligned with its principle doctrine of get it all now and to hell with tomorrow. It all started for the GOP during the “robber baron period between the end of the American Civil War and the start of World War One (1865–1914).
Time after time greedy Republicans have despoiled the nation by killing the goose that lays the golden eggs, overplaying their hand while stuffing their pockets at the expense of average citizens. Since, however, even average citizens are infected with short term thinking they, too, often get sweep up in the rich man’s fever until the bottom falls out, as was the case with the stock market crash of 1929 followed by the great depression of the 1930s and in the next century by the 2008–2009 housing and financial debacle, calamities that as usual are left for Democrats to cleanup.
But as short term greed is a wide spread infection, Republicans, once stability has been reclaimed, have little trouble luring millions of Americans into condoning their next fiasco as is the nation’s current predicament. After first having failed so far to despoil the ACA (Obamacare), Trump and the GOP shills in Congress are gleefully going about their work of despoiling the American and world environment by repealing rules that protect our water and air, this, just so a few super fat cats can make a quick buck.
The Republican mantra of lower taxes, less regulation and small government translates into get the heck out of our way people. Don’t impinge out right to rip you off via the means of responsible government. Just let us have our way and you coal miners and others out yonder can have it all (or not). Count on the not result.