Trump Cashes In On The Romance Of The Outlaw And The Rebel


As the United States was born out of rebellion, Americans have traditionally maintained a soft spot in their hearts for the outsider, the rebel and the outlaw. Bad boy Trump has played to this national impulse among other anti social human impulses.

Young men whizzing by in their flag draped pickup trucks see themselves as part of Trump’s hero army taking on a repressive establishment class. What they really represent is Trump’s super spreader army of death. Millions of Americans are defiantly roaming about the country mask free in a sort of defiant tribute the their hero leader, Donald Trump.

But the joke is on them. Trump is not taking on the establishment on their behalf, no indeed. But rather, Trump is shilling for GOP and Russian oligarchs in exchange for favorable attention and whatever protection they are willing to afford him.

The MAGA army is nothing more than a bunch of mindless lemmings being lead over a cliff by a moronic narcissist, a destructive personality willing to wound a nation for his own pleasures.

The red hats are a con man’s dream and democracy’s nightmare, and teamed with COVID-19 they are a destructive force of biblical proportion. There is no romance in this army of malcontents.



James M. Ridgway, Jr.
James M. Ridgway, Jr.

Written by James M. Ridgway, Jr.

Jim Ridgway, Jr. military writer — author of the American Civil War classic, “Apprentice Killers: The War of Lincoln and Davis.” Christmas gift, yes!

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