Trump’s Mass Deportation Plan Will Work Until It Begins To Impact The Corporate Bottom-line
Yes, it was easy to deport a poor mother, separating her from her children, but you know what will hit the fan when the work of Trump’s Gestapo goons begins to depress the bottom-line of powerful American corporations. At that point the pig will begin to squeal big-time.
And of course as with everything Trump inspired, the details and legalities of his deportation drive will likely remain vague, leaving it up to local enforcement agents to play it by ear. Moreover, as always with Trump, he is far more interested with the perception of action within the minds of his base supporters that the substance of the matter.
Meanwhile a lot of damage will likely be inflicted upon tens of thousands individuals and families. But the sadistic Trump has never been slowed by inadvertent damage created by his ham-handed undertakings.
But if substantial worker shortages in agriculture, construction and the food and service industry begin to materialize, driving up prices across the board, corporations will start pointing fingers at “President” Trump.
At they point, as with most of the Donald’s’ smoke and mirrors games, the wheels will come off to no good purpose, leaving just be one more mess for someone else to clean up.