Wait for it — The Putin Coup!
Psychology experts that have followed the career of Vladimir Putin from KGB agent to essentially president for life of Russia seem to believe that his health — particularly the mental part of his health — has noticeably declined into a dangerous state of paranoia and fantasy land thinking. He seems evermore isolated from his advisers, due in some part to the isolating effect of the COVID pandemic. Some have even joked that he seems to have reached the state of mind of Captain Queeq, the fictional character in The Caine Mutiny play and movie. where Queeq begins counting the strawberries in his favorite desert as part of his nutty quest to find out who has been stealing ice cream.
But Putin ordering hundreds of thousands of troops and hundred of airplanes and tanks to attack the free country of Ukraine that will inevitably kill thousands of peoples closely related to the Russian population is no joking matter. By this wild decision Putin has enraged folks all around the world including ten of thousands of Russian protestors
And now with the West having leveled heavy economic sanctions, not only against Putin’s oligarchy friends but him personally, the Russian president is starting to threaten the world with his nation’s nuclear arsenal. And when a man of questionable sanity begins to threaten World War Three, which would be to exterminate all of humanity, the community of nations begins to take shocking notice, including key elements of his Putins own military and government.
And so this begs the question, will some combination of Russian power and influence rise up to remove Putin’s nasty finger from its nation’s nuclear button? I mean friends, the world would react to such a coup with a great sense of relief and joy, including much of Russia’s average citizenry.
Indeed, its has come to the point where Putin has few friends giving him a real justification for paranoia to bubble up within him let alone the fact that he may be batshit crazy in the first place.
Thus I suspect that some sort of coup might be percolating within the Russian Bear, especially if Putin’s Ukrainian escapade goes badly.
Wait for it!