Wake Up Corporate America
I realize that you fat cats fear out-of-control democracy far more than you do autocracy so you use right wing-media and your Republican shills to stir up resentment in working class Whites against minorities for your own “advantage.”
But just let me remind you where trying to kill off democracy by suppressing the vote can lead. German industrialist tried cozying up to NATZI goons in the 1930s like our own Proud Boys and their “patriotic” cousin troublemakers of today. Let me see now, how did that work out? Oh yes, sixty million dead and German cities and industries in ashes. They thought they could control the situation — NOT!
Only if it happens this time in America there won’t be a powerful United States and its Marshall Plan handy to pump you back to life. The Russians and Chinese won’t care about your fate.
So call off your media dogs and Republican shills and tell them to get busy supporting the voting rights bills. A functioning democracy is a lot more profitable for all concerned than bleeding piles of rubble.
At this late date only you have the power to save America. Up till now you have meet the enemy and it is you. Time for a major save here — reverse course. Up with a true democracy. You might like it.