What’s Wall Street Republicans Up To With Average Americans?
Since we humans are designed to look out for number one, meaning each of us as individuals works first to our own advantage, then tribally so; it should not be a surprise that those with the big bucks are going to use their wealth in ways that best benefits they and their kind. This is not as easy a proposition as it might at first seem.
While it is true that the wealthy have worldwide mobility if they so desire, it helps to live in a country of the utmost economic and legal stability backed by the most powerful military under the sun, with the added bonus of issuing the world’s reserve currency — the United States checks all these attributes. Therefore it is in the best interest of the nation’s deep pockets that they don’t become so greedy as to completely wreck America. In other words, try not to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
This becomes a rather delicate balancing act for the one percent, Wall Street, corporate America fat cats that are exploiting average Americans. It must be undertaken in a manner that the nation will stay relatively strong both physically and emotionally.
Before proceeding further, let me make one thing abundantly clear. The GOP is the political arm of the super rich — their shills. It is their job and specific mandate to pass laws and operate in such ways that many of the nation’s less sophisticate are lead to believe that Republicans are on their side. Fact is that over the last almost twenty six years, with the help of Fox News and conservative take radio, Republicans have gotten quite good at this deceptive gamesmanship.
One of many reasons that Hillary Clinton lost in the Electoral College was that she had one foot in the Republican/Wall Street camp and one foot in the true people’s party, the Democratic Party. Now, sure, the Democrats are not pure as the driven snow when it comes to protecting the interests of average American, but as a group they are light years ahead of Republicans. As far as some Democrats were concerned, they were furious at Hillary for having played footsie with Wall Street by presenting its princes with speeches that netted her large fees. Thus they either stayed home or voted for another.
This brings us to the Republican dilemma of President “loose cannon” Trump. For years Donald Trump watched the Republicans dog whilst the tribal impulses and xenophobic tendencies of lower middle class Whites. Figuring he could probably out do any Republican candidate for president in this regard, he greased the skids for his run to become the GOP candidate for president by suggesting that President Obama was not an American, but maybe a Kenyan. He knew this would grab the attention of White bigots that were chafing at the bit after eight years of a black president.
Cutting to the chase Trump’s crude frontal attack aimed at bigots was perfect for the radically evolved Republican base. Then of course in the general election a perfect storm of events, as we all know, allowed Tromp to shockingly slip into the White House. So now the Wall Street Republicans are between a rock and a hard place.
Trump and his Republican base is on the far right of regular Republicans and their Wall Street benefactors, while the Democrats are nipping at their heels from the left. If the Republican establishment gives Trump too much leeway the country could slip into a full blown dictatorship, much as what happened when German industrialists supported Hitler early on.. On the other hand the fat cats are terrified of loosing control to the Democratic left that is pushing hard for a more equitable democracy that benefits all Americans — as Bernie would say not just an America for millionaires and billionaires.
So it’s inevitably going to come down to our Republicans citizens whether retaining power at all cost is more important than preserving some form of a viable democracy. The Republican establishment has already lost its base and if not careful it could cause them to lose everything they have ever known about America. In other words it comes down to Republicans preserving either temporary power or a free country.