You seem to want to reengineer humanity in a vacuum. Look, Umair, the human mindset hasn’t changed one iota in 20,000 years and by the general laws of the universe there is not the slightest chance that it will change in the next 20,000 years.
I know people seem to think that because technology continues to advance in complexity that the governing human ego must be evolving in some positive direction in the aggregate, no way.
The base ego is very simple — live at all costs and exploit every opportunity you think you can get away with. Trump and Hitler may be the floor of that egocentrism and the Jesus model as the ceiling, with everyone else in a bell curve center. So whatever worked and didn't work since the Greeks and Romans will be the same going forward — meaning of course everything will remain a wash until the nukes or global warming finally do us in.
In other words we hopeful humans will aways be aspiring but never arriving. I give you Obama vs. MAGA on that account.